
The award-winning farmdoc project was launched in 1999 with the stated purpose of “improving farm decision-making under risk through research and education.” Since then, it has become the premier online source of economic analysis and market information for commercial producers in the U.S. Corn Belt. Today, the farmdoc project includes three related websites.

The legacy farmdoc website provides access to a slate of decision tools, links to webinars, and articles providing economic analysis of issues relevant to commercial producers and agribusinesses. Since 2002, it has received around 1 million visits per year. Farmdoc incorporates programs such as Farm Analysis Solution Tools (FAST), a suite of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets designed to assist producers with decision making, and Illinois Farm Economics Summit (IFES 2016), a series of half-day meetings targeted to Illinois producers held annually in December at five locations around the state.

farmdoc DAILY launched in 2011 and publishes an original article of research-based analysis each business day. The site receives over 2 million visits per year and its daily emails go to over thirteen thousand subscribers worldwide.

Farm Policy News 

The latest addition to the farmdoc family publishes updates on current developments relating to the farm economy and U.S. farm policy.

Illinois Farm Business Farm Management Association (FBFM)

FBFM is a cooperative educational-service program working with about 6,000 cooperating farmers in Illinois. Nine local farm management associations with 60 field staff comprise the farm business analysis group which cooperates with the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics. Staff has an opportunity to work in financial management, accounting, and tax with commercial farmers. They supervise the completion of the farmer's records and summarize them to provide financial and production business analysis reports.

Illinois Market Maker

MarketMaker is an interactive mapping system that locates businesses and markets of agricultural products in Illinois, providing an important link between producers and consumers.

University of Illinois Extension Programs

U of I Extension has programs in Commercial AgricultureLocal Foods & Small FarmsNutrition and WellnessConsumer Economics and many other areas. What do you want to learn more about?  

Tax School

The University of Illinois Tax School provides high quality, low cost tax continuing education to tax professionals. We are an accredited sponsor of continuing professional education (CPE) and award CPE credits to those who attend our seminars, webinars and self-study courses. Tax School also annually creates and publishes the Federal Tax Workbook which is used by tax continuing education programs in 24 states across the United States.